
Operating since 1996, Kindori Kindergarten provides quality early childhood education through its three year old and four year old group kindergarten programs. Our primary focus is the wellbeing of every child. We provide our children the attention they need to grow and develop into happy, healthy people and be confident for school.

Operating since 1996, Kindori Kindergarten provides quality early childhood education through its three year old and four year old group kindergarten programs. Our primary focus is the wellbeing of every child. We provide our children the attention they need to grow and develop into happy, healthy people and be confident for school.

Operating since 1996, Kindori Kindergarten provides quality early childhood education through its three year old and four year old group kindergarten programs. Our primary focus is the wellbeing of every child. We provide our children the attention they need to grow and develop into happy, healthy people and be confident for school.

Notre programme

La crèche-garderie

Nous accueillons des tout-petits dès l’âge de 12 mois dans notre nouvelle crèche-garderie.

Les salles de classe

Nos classes sont aménagées pour favoriser les apprentissages et le développement de nos enfants.

La cantine

Pour les élèves qui ont besoin de se restaurer sur place, un espace agréable et convivial est mis à leur disposition pour les repas.

L'espace extérieur

Notre jardin est l’espace sécurisé utilisé pour les récréations et certaines activités nécessitant d’être en extérieur.